residential services

residential services

"My new home helps me be my best. It is my home away from home."

The Center Group Homes provide a warm, nurturing home environment with staff dedicated to helping every individual resident develop the greatest potential for independence at home and within the community. Our program continually finds opportunities to further the growth and development of each person's unique capabilities.

Our Glatt Kosher homes provide a comfortably structured environment complete with guidance in homemaking and self-care; plus, entertaining activities, social outlets, support and friendship. We use all activities as a basis for fostering self-discovery, self-esteem and self-confidence.

To help residents feel safe and secure in their new surroundings, we provide a setting consistent with the person's family value and Jewish cultural system, thus maintaining familiarity and continuity, a key aspect in the welfare of special needs children. Family visits and contact is maintained and encouraged.

At Center Group Homes, each and every individual is the center of attention, a treasured part of the family unit, an individual we gently care for and guide to build a life of competence, independence and positive sense of self.